Artikel berikut merupakan lanjutan dari "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ATLANTEAN PROBLEMS AND EXERCISING THE "FACULTY OF OBLIVION"* ON THEM" http://www.facebook.com/#/note.php?note_id=110107843504&id=1123926756&ref=mf dan dicuplik dari buku Drunvalo Melchizedek: "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" hal.92 - 98. Cuplikan ini akan ditampilkan dalam bahasa aslinya, sedangkan pendapat yang melalui saya akan saya sampaikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia italic. Informasi dalam buku tersebut disampaikan oleh Drunvalo dari dialog-dialog langsungnya (saling bertemu muka) dengan Guru Lemuria Thoth yang konon immortal. Mereka Guru-guru Lemuria inilah yang membangun 'Atlantis' di atas bangunan energi yang sudah ada, yaitu bangunannya Archangel Lucifer dengan berbagai puzzle-puzzle nya.
Keliatannya memang sudah mulai banyak orang Nusantara yang mulai ngeh.. mencium warisan budaya 'Atlantis' di tanah ini dengan berbagai perspektif dan persepsinya..
apakah kita SUNDAPUTRA dan SUNDAPUTRI dengan hati terbuka pernah bertanya kepada Ibu Pertiwi (Ibunya ibu yang dari Lemuria) apakah 'Atlantis' itu? Apakah kita siap mendengarkan dan menerima apa visi Ibu Pertiwi membangun Nusantara..?? Tidak bisa tidak kita harus memperluas perspektif kita atau beringsut dari satu perspektif ke perspektif berikutnya dengan kejernihan persepsi.. supaya tidak perlu mengulangi lagi kisah semacam Rahwana dan Kumbakarna.. atau belah Negara Kahuripan menjadi Panjalu dan Jenggala..
Semoga kita bisa menerima bimbingan Guruji dan Guru-guru Spiritual Bangsa ini dalam menyempurnakan SEMANGAT KITA ini..♥
Keliatannya memang sudah mulai banyak orang Nusantara yang mulai ngeh.. mencium warisan budaya 'Atlantis' di tanah ini dengan berbagai perspektif dan persepsinya..
apakah kita SUNDAPUTRA dan SUNDAPUTRI dengan hati terbuka pernah bertanya kepada Ibu Pertiwi (Ibunya ibu yang dari Lemuria) apakah 'Atlantis' itu? Apakah kita siap mendengarkan dan menerima apa visi Ibu Pertiwi membangun Nusantara..?? Tidak bisa tidak kita harus memperluas perspektif kita atau beringsut dari satu perspektif ke perspektif berikutnya dengan kejernihan persepsi.. supaya tidak perlu mengulangi lagi kisah semacam Rahwana dan Kumbakarna.. atau belah Negara Kahuripan menjadi Panjalu dan Jenggala..
Semoga kita bisa menerima bimbingan Guruji dan Guru-guru Spiritual Bangsa ini dalam menyempurnakan SEMANGAT KITA ini..♥
Ay and Tiya and the Beginning of 'Tantra'
This new civilization in 'Lemuria' was developing quite well (jika kita berkelana di pelosok Nusantara maka di beberapa tempat ada kemungkinan kita akan mencium bau-bauan Lemuria ini); everything was going along just great. But most of 'Lemuria' eventually sank. About a thousand years before it sank, two people were there whose names were Ay and Tiya (nama-nama yang tidak asing, dan masih aktif dipakai terutama untuk Ay di area Panjalu, termasuk varian Ayu, Ayah, dll., coba kita lihat2 lagi peta pulau Jawa-Bali). This couple did something that no one else had ever done before, a certain way and breath in a certain way, you get different results when you have a child. Through the conception of that different kind of birth, all three of them - the mother, the father and the child - would become immortal. In other words, by having a baby in a certain way, the experience changes you forever.
Ay and Tiya suspected that they had become immortal, I'm sure, because of their experience. As time went on and everybody else started dying but they remained alive, people began to realize that they really did have something. So they finally set up a school. As far as I know, it was the first mystery school on the Earth in this cycle. It was called the Naacal, or Naakal (rhymes with McCall), Mystery School, where they simply tried to teach how to do this thing we call resurrection or ascension through 'tantra'. 'Tantra' is a 'Hindu' word for yoga or union with God through sexual practices. (We have a lot to go over before we can understand exactly what they were doing.) Anyway, they did this and then they began to teach other people.
Before 'Lemuria' sank, they had instructed approximately a thousand people, which means that about 333 families of three each were able to understand what they were doing and demonstrate it. ... ... ... They taught others how to do it, and it was getting to a place where in another few thousand years they would probably have translated the whole race into a new consciousness.
But God evidently said no, it was not the right time. They had just gotten started when 'Lemuria' sank. 'Lemuria', like I said, was female, and the 'Lemurian' were very psychic. They knew that 'Lemuria' was going to sink a long time beforehand. They knew with absolute certainty; it wasn't even a matter of discussion. So they prepared a long time in advance. They took all their artifacts to Lake Titicaca, Mount Shasta and other places. Even the great golden disk of 'Lemuria' was removed (hmm.. di mana cakram/ piringan ini sekarang berada ya..?). They got everything of value out of the country and prepared for the end. When 'Lemuria' finally sank, they were totally off the islands. ... ... ...
Lemuria Sinks and Atlantis Rises
... ... ...
How the Lemurians Evolved Human Consciousness
The immortal beings of 'Lemuria' "flew" from their homeland to a little island north of the newly risen continent of 'Atlantis'. They waited for a long time on the island they named Udal (kembali bukan nama yang asing kan, walaupun ini di timur tapi jangan salah sangka ini Bali ya..), then they began to re-create their spiritual science. If you had watched them, you wouldn't have known what the heck they were doing; you'd have thought they were nuts. In order to describe what they were doing, I have to describe something else.
The Structure of the Human Brain
... ... ...
The Attempt to Birth a New Consciousness on Atlantis
When the time was right, the Naacals from 'Lemuria' created a spiritual representation of a human brain on the surface of their Atlantean island. Their purpose was to birth a new consciousness based on what they had learned during Lemuria. They believed the brain had to come first before the body of the new consciousness of 'Atlantis' was to emerge. With Thoth's image of the human brain in mind, you can begin to make sense of their actions. First they made a wall down the middle of the island about 40 feet high and 20 feet wide, which sealed off one side of the island from the other. Literally, you had to go into the water to get to the other side. They ran a minor wall accross at 90 degrees to the first wall, which divided the island into four parts. (dalam perjalanan selanjutnya kehidupan 'Atlantis' ternyata pemodelan ini kurang akurat ketika diimplementasikan dan menyebabkan energi di sebelah barat agak berat, tetapi hal ini sudah diperbaiki kemudian.. bisa dirasakan kok perbedaannya sekarang..)
Then half of these thousand people, who were of the Naacal Mystery School, went on one side and half stayed on the other, depending on their nature. That could mean that all the woman stayed on one side and all the men went to the other side, but as I understand it, where a person went did not depend on the physical body, but his or her dependency on one side of the brain or the other. In this way, approximately half become the male component of the brain and the other half became the female component.
They spent thousand of years in this physical state until they believed the were ready for the next step. Three people were selected to represent the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that links the left and right hemispheres together. Thoth's father, Thome, was one of these. He and two other people were the only ones allowed to go everywhere on the island. Otherwise, the two sides had to remain completely separate from each other. Then the three began to align their energies and thoughts and feelings and all aspects of humanness into an integrated human brain, not with human cells, but rather with human bodies. (jangan-jangan kita bagian dari sistem ini, kayanya sih, darimana lagi cerita bahwa kesadaran kita saling terkait dan berkomunikasi satu sama lain.. begitu juga dengan Kebangsaan kita ini..)
This new civilization in 'Lemuria' was developing quite well (jika kita berkelana di pelosok Nusantara maka di beberapa tempat ada kemungkinan kita akan mencium bau-bauan Lemuria ini); everything was going along just great. But most of 'Lemuria' eventually sank. About a thousand years before it sank, two people were there whose names were Ay and Tiya (nama-nama yang tidak asing, dan masih aktif dipakai terutama untuk Ay di area Panjalu, termasuk varian Ayu, Ayah, dll., coba kita lihat2 lagi peta pulau Jawa-Bali). This couple did something that no one else had ever done before, a certain way and breath in a certain way, you get different results when you have a child. Through the conception of that different kind of birth, all three of them - the mother, the father and the child - would become immortal. In other words, by having a baby in a certain way, the experience changes you forever.
Ay and Tiya suspected that they had become immortal, I'm sure, because of their experience. As time went on and everybody else started dying but they remained alive, people began to realize that they really did have something. So they finally set up a school. As far as I know, it was the first mystery school on the Earth in this cycle. It was called the Naacal, or Naakal (rhymes with McCall), Mystery School, where they simply tried to teach how to do this thing we call resurrection or ascension through 'tantra'. 'Tantra' is a 'Hindu' word for yoga or union with God through sexual practices. (We have a lot to go over before we can understand exactly what they were doing.) Anyway, they did this and then they began to teach other people.
Before 'Lemuria' sank, they had instructed approximately a thousand people, which means that about 333 families of three each were able to understand what they were doing and demonstrate it. ... ... ... They taught others how to do it, and it was getting to a place where in another few thousand years they would probably have translated the whole race into a new consciousness.
But God evidently said no, it was not the right time. They had just gotten started when 'Lemuria' sank. 'Lemuria', like I said, was female, and the 'Lemurian' were very psychic. They knew that 'Lemuria' was going to sink a long time beforehand. They knew with absolute certainty; it wasn't even a matter of discussion. So they prepared a long time in advance. They took all their artifacts to Lake Titicaca, Mount Shasta and other places. Even the great golden disk of 'Lemuria' was removed (hmm.. di mana cakram/ piringan ini sekarang berada ya..?). They got everything of value out of the country and prepared for the end. When 'Lemuria' finally sank, they were totally off the islands. ... ... ...
Lemuria Sinks and Atlantis Rises
... ... ...
How the Lemurians Evolved Human Consciousness
The immortal beings of 'Lemuria' "flew" from their homeland to a little island north of the newly risen continent of 'Atlantis'. They waited for a long time on the island they named Udal (kembali bukan nama yang asing kan, walaupun ini di timur tapi jangan salah sangka ini Bali ya..), then they began to re-create their spiritual science. If you had watched them, you wouldn't have known what the heck they were doing; you'd have thought they were nuts. In order to describe what they were doing, I have to describe something else.
The Structure of the Human Brain
... ... ...
The Attempt to Birth a New Consciousness on Atlantis
When the time was right, the Naacals from 'Lemuria' created a spiritual representation of a human brain on the surface of their Atlantean island. Their purpose was to birth a new consciousness based on what they had learned during Lemuria. They believed the brain had to come first before the body of the new consciousness of 'Atlantis' was to emerge. With Thoth's image of the human brain in mind, you can begin to make sense of their actions. First they made a wall down the middle of the island about 40 feet high and 20 feet wide, which sealed off one side of the island from the other. Literally, you had to go into the water to get to the other side. They ran a minor wall accross at 90 degrees to the first wall, which divided the island into four parts. (dalam perjalanan selanjutnya kehidupan 'Atlantis' ternyata pemodelan ini kurang akurat ketika diimplementasikan dan menyebabkan energi di sebelah barat agak berat, tetapi hal ini sudah diperbaiki kemudian.. bisa dirasakan kok perbedaannya sekarang..)
Then half of these thousand people, who were of the Naacal Mystery School, went on one side and half stayed on the other, depending on their nature. That could mean that all the woman stayed on one side and all the men went to the other side, but as I understand it, where a person went did not depend on the physical body, but his or her dependency on one side of the brain or the other. In this way, approximately half become the male component of the brain and the other half became the female component.
They spent thousand of years in this physical state until they believed the were ready for the next step. Three people were selected to represent the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that links the left and right hemispheres together. Thoth's father, Thome, was one of these. He and two other people were the only ones allowed to go everywhere on the island. Otherwise, the two sides had to remain completely separate from each other. Then the three began to align their energies and thoughts and feelings and all aspects of humanness into an integrated human brain, not with human cells, but rather with human bodies. (jangan-jangan kita bagian dari sistem ini, kayanya sih, darimana lagi cerita bahwa kesadaran kita saling terkait dan berkomunikasi satu sama lain.. begitu juga dengan Kebangsaan kita ini..)
The next step was to project onto the surface of 'Atlantis' the form of the Tree of Life (saya menamakan ini dengan Java of Life yang mencakup Jawa-Bali, Tree of Life ini diproyeksikan pada suatu pola Flower of Life yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang dibangun Archangel Lucifer, hal ini diinformasikan di bagian lain dari buku Drunvalo, dan proyeksi ini menimbulkan beberapa gesekan energi). They used the form here [Fig. 4-4] with 12 circles on it instead of 10, but the 11th and 12th circles were off the mainland; one of the points was on Udal and one was in the water to the south (tentu saja ini nyanyian kode yang harus diterjemahkan ulang, tanpa pemahaman dan keterbukaan akan gambaran yang lebih utuh kita bisa terjebak untuk menentukan puser/pusat sebatas yang ada di lingkungan terdekat, boleh percaya atau tidak tapi bisa dirasakan sendiri ternyata pusernya puser tidak di Jenggala dan tidak pula di Panjalu, oleh karena itu penting dan utama untuk berkelana jalan-jalan/ mlaku-mlaku/ melakoni ke segala penjuru NUSANTARA merasakan ragam pusat-pusat energi tersebut.. http://www.facebook.com/pages/SEMANGAT-INDONESIA-JAYA/200032215863?ref=ts#/video/video.php?v=1199501824059&ref=mf ). So there were ten components on the mainland, which is the configuration we're familiar with. Even though it extended over hundreds of miles on the surface of this island, they projected it to the accuracy of a single atom, according to Thoth. There is an indication that even the spheres of the Tree of Life were used to designate the size and shape of 'Atlantis'.
Plato says in his book "Critias" that the main city of 'Atlantis' was made of three rings of land separated by water, as shown in this drawing [Fig. 4-5]. He also says the city was constructed of red, black, and white stones. This last statement will make sense as soon we talk about the Great Pyramid.
The Children of Lemuria Are Called Forth
Suddenly, in a single day, the Brain of 'Atlantis, the Naacal Mystery School, breathed life into the Tree of Life on the surface of 'Atlantis' (pada bagian lain dari buku Beliau disampaikan bahwa pada waktu tersebut,sekitar 76000 tahun lampau, matahari terbit di sebelah barat, dan kabarnya juga ini merupakan siklus 12960 tahunan). This created vortexes of energy rotating out of each of the circles on the Tree of Life. Once the vortexes were established, then the brain of 'Atlantis' psychically called forth the children of 'Lemuria'. Millions and millions of 'Lemurians' who by then had settled along the west coast of North and South America (gak heran kan.. buku 'Atlantis' paling heboh berasal dari Amerika Serikat dan Brasil..) and in other places, began to be pulled to 'Atlantis'. A great migration began, and the ordinary people of the sunken 'Lemuria' started moving toward 'Atlantis. Remember, they were feminine right-brained beings and inner communication was easy. However, the Lemurian body of consciousness had reached only the age of twelve as a planetary consciusness. It was still a child, and some of its centers weren't functioning yet; they had worked with those energies and had masteres only eight of the ten (ouw.. ngeri dech..). So each migrating Lemurian was attracted to one of these eight centers on 'Atlantis, depending on the nature of the individual. There they settled and began to build cities.
That left two vortexes with nobody using them, not a single person. These two vortexes were pulling life toward them, and
Though Lemurian settled into only eight of the vortex areas, Mayan records state clearly that these three were ten cities in 'Atlantis' when it fell. In fact, you can see those records in the Troano document, which is now located in the British Museum. This document is estimated to be at least 3500 years old, and it describes in detail the sinking of 'Atlantis. It's Mayan, and it contains an authentic account of the cataclysm, according to Le Plongeon, the French historian who translated it. Here is what it says:
"... ... ..." (pastinya yang ini sudah banyak dibahas di bukunya Prof. Santos www.atlan.org)
The Children of Lemuria Are Called Forth
Suddenly, in a single day, the Brain of 'Atlantis, the Naacal Mystery School, breathed life into the Tree of Life on the surface of 'Atlantis' (pada bagian lain dari buku Beliau disampaikan bahwa pada waktu tersebut,sekitar 76000 tahun lampau, matahari terbit di sebelah barat, dan kabarnya juga ini merupakan siklus 12960 tahunan). This created vortexes of energy rotating out of each of the circles on the Tree of Life. Once the vortexes were established, then the brain of 'Atlantis' psychically called forth the children of 'Lemuria'. Millions and millions of 'Lemurians' who by then had settled along the west coast of North and South America (gak heran kan.. buku 'Atlantis' paling heboh berasal dari Amerika Serikat dan Brasil..) and in other places, began to be pulled to 'Atlantis'. A great migration began, and the ordinary people of the sunken 'Lemuria' started moving toward 'Atlantis. Remember, they were feminine right-brained beings and inner communication was easy. However, the Lemurian body of consciousness had reached only the age of twelve as a planetary consciusness. It was still a child, and some of its centers weren't functioning yet; they had worked with those energies and had masteres only eight of the ten (ouw.. ngeri dech..). So each migrating Lemurian was attracted to one of these eight centers on 'Atlantis, depending on the nature of the individual. There they settled and began to build cities.
That left two vortexes with nobody using them, not a single person. These two vortexes were pulling life toward them, and
in life you just can't have an empty place(wah ini dia ni.. siapa saja yang ngisi tempat2 kosong ini..? itulah pentingnya kita perlu tahu apa gambaran seutuhnya dari warisan Archangel Lucifer dan Lemuria ini..). Life will find a way to fill it. For instance, if you're driving along the freeway following another car and you drop too far behind it, somebody will fill in the gap, right? If you leave a place empty, life will step in and fill it. That's exactly what happened on 'Atlantis'.
Though Lemurian settled into only eight of the vortex areas, Mayan records state clearly that these three were ten cities in 'Atlantis' when it fell. In fact, you can see those records in the Troano document, which is now located in the British Museum. This document is estimated to be at least 3500 years old, and it describes in detail the sinking of 'Atlantis. It's Mayan, and it contains an authentic account of the cataclysm, according to Le Plongeon, the French historian who translated it. Here is what it says:
"... ... ..." (pastinya yang ini sudah banyak dibahas di bukunya Prof. Santos www.atlan.org)
The Aborted Evolution
Two Empty Vortexes Drew Extraterrestrial Races
To fill those two empty vortexes, according to Thoth, two extraterrestrial races stepped in - not one, but two completely different races (ee.. kalo sekarang lebih kali.. wow..). The first race was the Hebrews, coming from our future. Thoth says they came from off the planet, but I don't know specifically where. The Hebrews were kind of like a kid who went through the fifth grade and didn't make it and had to do that grade over again. They hadn't graduated to the next level of evolution, so they had to repeat that grade. In other words, they were like a child who had already been through the math stuff. They knew a lot of thing's that we didn't know yet. (ga heran deh kalo gitu.. Musa, Yesus, Einstein, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, dll., dan ini yang penting, krn. sejarah ini, mereka punya koneksi ke salah satu tempat di tanah ini loh.. dan mereka membuat semacam copy-an nya di timteng, ngomongin kata2nya agak susah..) They had legal permission from the Galactic Command to step into our evolutionary path at that time. They brought with them, according to Thoth, many concepts and ideas that we had no idea about yet because we hadn't entered into those level of awareness. This interaction actually benefited our evolution, I believe (ya liat aja fenomena ni facebook..). There was no problem with their coming to Earth and settling. There probably would have been no problem at all if this one race had come here.
The other race that stepped in at that time caused big problems. These beings came from the nearby planet ... ... ...
di bagian berikutnya, pada buku ini diceritakan bagaimana perselisihan yang terjadi dengan ras yang satu ini telah mengakibatkan kekacauan di tanah 'Atlantis..
itulah perlunya kita kembali menjiwai Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa, berkelana dengan banyak tempat dan orang untuk saling apresiasi yang akan melancarkan evolusi jiwa kita bersama..
yang perlu kita sadari sekarang bahwa taman ini ada yang memelihara, tinggal bagaimana kita nya, pilihan ada di tangan kita untuk menjadi pengunjung yang baik nan ceria..♥..♫